It is slightly nightmarish but strangely intriguing, and a great mod to add to Minecraft worlds that are already edging on the bizarre side. The Tellytubbies Mod is, to every extent, weird. #3 - Tellytubbies Mod Image via 9minecraft Download here Erebus is out for the Forge, 1.7, and 1.12 updates. It's worth checking out, especially when looking for something tricky to accomplish. This mod is expansive, and the developers worked hard to put it together. Technically, if players want a challenging game, they can go to the Erebus straight away and try their best to live there altogether. The inside of the Erebus is entirely playable, with different blocks to fill every required block for playing the game to completion. It only requires a few smooth stone blocks and some minor items to make the portal.

This dimension is accessible quite early in the game. The Erebus Mod is crazy, and something Minecraft players should check out if they want a challenging new dimension to explore. #4 - Erebus Dimension Mod Image via CurseForge Download here Although it doesn't change too much about the Vanilla style of gameplay on its own, paired with some of the other mods listed below, Lucky Beans can make a really crazy and super fun modpack! This mod basically brings Harry Potter's 'Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans' into Minecraft, and players definitely love it. It makes new mysterious bean trees spawn around a player's world, and each tree grows these interesting beans! There are sixteen different colored beans and over twenty effects to receive from them. This mod adds beans into the game that can be harvested from trees, which gives players different effects. It is kind of like a smaller, more random version of the ever-so-popular Lucky Blocks mod. Although small, it is really fun to play. Lucky Beans is a mod made by Jackyy on CurseForge for update 1.12.2. These are just some of the weirdest ones released so far that gamers can use to enhance their game.įive weirdest Minecraft Mods #5 - Lucky Beans Mod Image via CurseForge Download here

With so many mod creators out there, there are thousands upon thousands of mods to discover and experiment with. Here are some interesting mods for different Minecraft versions to bring something new and exciting for players to explore. Hence, there is an infinite amount of things to explore and discover. Mods add so many new aspects to Minecraft, including different biomes, mobs, generated structures, and even dimensions. Mods made by the Minecraft community are the best way to reinvigorate players and make them feel excited for a game they already know inside out. After a while of playing Vanilla Minecraft, players sometimes need something to spice up their gameplay.