They’ve changed the camera, however, which removes some of the best fun you can have in a Train Simulator: seeing things you really shouldn’t. I’m not the only one having issues, with some Steam users reporting that the game is unplayable. For a game that looks as dated as this - especially on low settings - I would hope for a lot more. Even then, I still couldn’t get above 30 FPS and my average was probably closer to 20. None of this is helped by the performance I had to run this game in low settings to get above 15 FPS which meant the draw distance is two and half feet and the textures all look muddy. Visually, it looks like every other Train Simulator, and Dovetail’s signature art style keeps this game looking exactly the same as it has since 2012. But this wasn’t every time, and sometimes it had the complete opposite effect where a single key press would change a setting too much.

At first I thought this was just the terrible framerate messing with my inputs, but the solution to it was to hold down the key for longer. I think this comes down to the dissonance between pressing a key and moving a lever, but sometimes pressing a key will bring up the pop-up for the lever you’re trying to move but not actually do anything. The controls also suck because half the time they just don’t work. Alongside the bindings, all of the controls can be accessed from inside the cabin as all of the levers and switches are clickable. The tutorials are pretty condescending and half useful, though completely necessary because there are so many controls needed to get a train moving and the default bindings are anything but intuitive. It’s not a lot of content, particularly since in the just over two hours I played I saw the same bit of track multiple times. In the beta, there’s three tutorial missions, two scenarios and a services mode where you can select a specific run. Dovetail Games have been busy working on the next update to the series in Train Simulator World, and the CSX Heavy Haul beta has been showing us a glimpse into their new world. It is - for me, at least - a great game to stick on a podcast and just chill out for a while. Train Simulator has always been very much a niche game: it requires patience and attention, with not a lot happening for a long time.

Previews // 1st Jan 2017 - 5 years ago // By Jinny Wilkin Train Simulator World: CSX Heavy Haul Beta Preview